Lose Weight Clothes: What to Wear While You Lose Weight
When you’re dropping weight and seeing results, you tend to see and feel it when you’re wearing your clothes.
When you’re on a weight loss journey, there are so many factors that come into play. You have to make sure you’re eating the right amount at the right time. You have to move your body vigorously for at least 30 minutes a day. You even need to make sure you’re sleeping a certain number of hours each night. However, there’s one element that many don’t talk about: your clothes. When you’re dropping weight and seeing results, you tend to see and feel it when you’re wearing your clothes. What happens when they start to droop and sag? Consider the following clothes you can wear while you lose weight.
What to Wear When You Are Losing Weight
Stretchy Garments

Once you begin to purchase clothing during your weight loss journey, start to purchase options that have stretch. If you love the classic button-down tops, there are options that contain stretch along the width of the top. The same is true for jeans and other pants that contain stretch in the waistline. There are really chic options for those who are cool with elastic waistlines. Pants with drawstrings will size down well too. Leggings tend to be a great “one size fits all” option so pick up a few jeggings as well.
Loose T-Shirts, Tops, and Blouses
Garment tape is popular among celebrities who walk along the red carpet.

Tops tend to be easier to style as you lose weight. This is especially true for t-shirts. Unless you’re swimming in a particular blouse or t-shirt, it’s okay to have a loose look. If you’re wearing a blouse that can look nice with an adjustable belt on top, that’s a great way to make it look fitted. If you desire a really fitted look for a particular top, consider purchasing double-sided tape that you can use on the inside of the garment. In many cases, garment tape is popular among celebrities who walk along the red carpet. However, they’re perfect for the everyday person who just wants a closer fit.
A Great Solution for Your Baggy Clothes

There’s nothing quite like a great pair of well-fitting jeans. Everyone has a few pairs of jeans that they go to whenever they’d like to feel their best. However, what happens when you start to lose weight? Those jeans don’t fit as great as they used to. While belts can help, it’s not always ideal to wear a large, clunky option. Thankfully, there are belt alternatives you can try.
A great beltless option you’ll want to consider is the BeltBro. It’s comfortable, discreet and easy to adjust.

When it pertains to weight loss fashion, belt alternatives are important so that you don’t have to go out and purchase brand new pairs of jeans when you go down a size or two. A great beltless option you’ll want to consider is the BeltBro. It’s comfortable, discreet and easy to adjust. It’s perfect for both men and women who are trying to step up their weight loss fashion game. Before you go to the tailor to adjust those beloved pants, try a beltless option first.
Whether you lose 20 pounds or 75 pounds, there’s something that happens to a person because it’s such a challenging feat to overcome. There’s a mental shift of empowerment. However, it’s important to recognize the trepidation that might come with a new body. Embrace what’s new, and wear clothes that fully represent the powerful person you are. With these tips and solutions like BeltBro, you can shine like the superhero you are.