5 Travel Tips for People With Physical Disabilities
Preparing for an upcoming vacation is always a lot of work. But for some people, this work is a bit more critical than others. Travelers with disabilities experience a different set of challenges when they venture out into the world for extended periods. Individuals with disabilities should keep the following five tips in mind whenever they decide to travel.
Establish Communication Early
Call two to three days before the day you leave for vacation to ensure everything is in place.
Most of the service providers you will need while traveling is legally required to provide the accommodations you will need. But it may be necessary for you to make sure the service providers you use have sufficient time to prepare for your needs.
You should mention the needs you possess to a company representative when you make reservations for your trip. It is also good to call two to three days before the day you leave for vacation to ensure everything is in place.
Articulate Your Needs
Do not assume that a service provider will understand terms that are specific to your disability or the limitations caused by the disability. It is crucial to communicate the needs you possess to them in a clear and precise manner.
Explain in detail the functions you can and cannot perform for yourself and do not attempt to downplay the level of attention you will need. The more specific information you share with service providers, the more able they will be to help you enjoy a great traveling experience.
Loosen Your Belt
BeltBro provides the snuggest and secure pants fit possible for individuals who want to enjoy the beltless look.
Traveling with discomfort is never fun for anyone. This is doubly true for persons battling disabilities. One of the travel tips for people with physical disabilities who deal specifically with personal comfort is to use BeltBro when you are in search of belt alternatives. Beltless travelers will appreciate the lightweight and one-size-fits-all design of BeltBtro.
BeltBro can be attached between two belt loops on either side of your pants and is one of the most convenient belt alternatives available. The device also provides the snuggest and secure pants fit possible for individuals who want to enjoy the beltless look.
Speak With Your Doctor
Another suggestion on the list of travel tips for people with physical disabilities is to speak to your doctor as soon as you possess travel plans. Your doctor can provide you with guidance on how to handle long flights, unavailable medications while you are traveling, and the absence of medical care while traveling.
Your doctor can also provide any medications and treatments you may need before embarking on your trip. A final benefit of talking to your doctor before traveling is he or she will be honest with you if the trip you are planning is not a good idea for your safety or health.
Extra Medications
Pack a second set of medications and put them in the luggage.
Many experts believe individuals traveling with disabilities should bring twice the amount of medications they expect to use with them. Many travelers with disabilities have found it convenient to pack one set of medicines as they usually would and place them in their carry-on bag. These travelers then pack a second set of medications and put them in the luggage they will check in.
Final Thoughts
Reaching your end destination when taking a vacation or a short trip for leisure is always a blast. However, actual travel can become a chore in some situations.
Individuals with disabilities will need to develop strategies to deal with their particular situations in addition to enduring the normal stresses of travel. The five travel tips for people with physical disabilities described above represent a great place to start for anyone traveling with a disability.